Similar to many other organizations and businesses, the COVID-19 crisis has impacted operations within the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. Fortunately, many of the services the BWC provides continue during the pandemic.
In an effort to keep Ohioans informed, the BWC published a document containing frequently asked questions. They intend to keep this document updated as circumstances change over time. The following highlights some of the most pertinent questions from the document. For more details, you can read the document for yourself on Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation website.
Is the BWC accepting new claims?
Yes. BWC employees continue to work remotely and review new claims.
Can I receive workers’ compensation benefits if I contract coronavirus at work?
Coming down with COVID-19 can be work related. To learn if you may meet qualifications for the allowance of COVID-19 under a worker’s compensation claim, please read our blog about occupational disease claims.
What happens if my claim is denied under these circumstances?
You or your attorney can still file appeals to denied claims. The Ohio Industrial Commission currently continues to hold certain types of hearings, including initial allowances of a claim.
Will my benefits stop if my doctor’s office is closed and I cannot be examined?
The BWC is working closely with Managed Care Organizations as well as doctor’s offices to make sure any required paperwork is still completed, and cancelled appointments are rescheduled. The use of telemedicine is currently allowed in some situations where exams are required. For further detail on when telemedicine is acceptable, please read the BWC’s medical provider FAQ.
Can I file an application for a permanent partial disability (A C-92 application)?
Yes. Recently the BWC resumed scheduling C-92 exams. They ask that all patients and medical providers follow the Ohio Department of Health’s guidelines regarding social distancing, masking, etc. You will not be penalized if you decide to reschedule your appointment due to COVID-19.
Are service offices open for check pick up?
No, as of March 18, 2020. You have the option to request overnight delivery or electronic payment.
Will my claims representative be available to speak with me?
The BWC asks that you contact your workers comp attorney before reaching out to your claims representative. BWC staff will monitor their voicemail on a limited basis.
If you are currently unrepresented in your industrial injury claim, or wish to seek new representation, please contact our office. We can be reached 419-350-8277, or by filling out this form online. One of our experienced attorneys would be happy to meet with you in person or over the phone.