Does a COVID-19 Diagnosis Qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD)?

With new COVID-19 cases still occurring every day, more and more Americans find themselves taking time off work to recover from the illness. While many people can’t even tell they have COVID-19, there are those with severe and long-lasting symptoms. Some people found success in obtaining FMLA, short term disability benefits, or unemployment. What happens when those run out? If you have been out of work for an extended amount of time due to a coronavirus diagnosis, you may be wondering if you are eligible for Social Security Disability benefits (SSD).

Eligibility Requirements

One of the most basic requirements you must meet to qualify for Social Security Disability is that your disability must last, or be expected to last for one year. Since the COVID-19 pandemic has barely been going on for that long, it may be difficult to prove a coronavirus diagnosis meets that requirement. However, a statement taken from the Social Security Administration revealed, “the current disability policy rules are able to evaluate COVID cases”. They also stated they, “will look at their policies as the research evolves”.

While there are many unknowns surrounding the pandemic, both American citizens and the SSA are doing their best to navigate these uncharted waters. As time goes on, physicians are seeing more of the long term effects of COVID-19, as well as patients who are experiencing symptoms long beyond what a typical virus would cause. With more data and research coming out regularly, we hope to see these long term complications being substantiated with more medical evidence.

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Obtaining a COVID-19 diagnosis will be essential for filing a disability application based on your residual symptoms. You will need to obtain regular treatment from a licensed physician who can confirm your illness(es), corroborate your symptoms, and help document how they affect your day to day life. Despite having your doctor’s support, a disability claim based on coronavirus is still likely to be novel and complicated.

It’s always, but especially in this case, a great idea to meet with a Social Security Disability attorney to help get your claim started. At Schaffer & Associates, we offer free consultations during which we can assess your circumstances and help guide you through the process.

The Long Term Effects of COVID-19

COVID-19 has been found to cause permanent organ damage in some people. Coronavirus typically attacks the lungs of the infected person which can lead to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), pneumonia, and sepsis. Sepsis, which is an infection in the blood, can also affect other organs. Sepsis may lead to organ failure and even death.

ARDS and pneumonia are both conditions of the lungs which can lead to shortness of breath, the need for a ventilator, permanent lung damage, and eventually lung failure.

These types of COVID-19 complications can and are happening to people. Besides being potentially life threatening, any one of them could lead to long hospital stays, extreme fatigue, decreased stamina, and much more. If you’ve been diagnosed with COVID-19 and continue to suffer from symptoms that impact your ability to work, you are not alone.

Our experienced attorneys at Schaffer & Associates are equipped to handle the ins and outs of your claim while you concentrate on recovering. Send us a message online or call to schedule your free consultation.